Pinnacle Group

Your Premier General Contractor in Hillsborough County, NH

Building Dreams, Crafting Excellence

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General Contractors Hillsborough County | Pinnacle Group GC
Who we are

A strong foundation for tomorrow

Pinnacle Group GC are leading general contractors serving Hillsborough County, NH, and beyond. We have built our reputation on integrity, expertise, and unwavering commitment to our clients. With decades of collective experience in the construction industry, our team of seasoned professionals takes pride in delivering exceptional results.

Our mission is simple – to transform your construction vision into reality while exceeding your expectations. We understand every project is unique, so we offer tailored solutions to your needs. As a full-service general contractor, we manage all aspects of the construction process, from initial planning and design to final execution and project completion.


We are advanced and right for the work.

At Pinnacle Group GC, we offer a wide range of General Contractors and construction services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our services include:

How We Work

At Pinnacle Group GC, our process is centered around client satisfaction and project excellence. It begins with a thorough consultation to understand your vision and requirements. We then proceed with detailed planning, incorporating your ideas with our expertise.

Why Trust Pinnacle Group General Contractors?

blue house with newly installed windows.
General Contractor Hillsborough County, NH
kitchen in the process of remodeling.

Industry Recognition

Setting new standards through our passion and expertise.

Client-Centric Approach

Our client-focused philosophy means we prioritize your needs and preferences at every stage of your project, ensuring your vision is our top priority.

Licensed and Insured

We're fully licensed and carry comprehensive insurance, providing you with peace of mind and assurance that your project is in safe and capable hands.

Your Construction Partners

Choosing Pinnacle Group GC means working with a team of general contractors that values honesty, quality, and new ideas. We’re known for our experience, skilled team, and customer focus. As trusted general contractors, we deliver projects on time and within budget, always maintaining high standards. We're good at solving problems quickly and adapting to changes, ensuring a smooth construction process. With us, you get more than what you expect.

Get a Quote

Prefer to discuss your project over the phone? Give us a call, and let’s get started on bringing your vision to life!

Need more help?

Have specific questions or seeking personalized guidance? Send us a message, and our team will get back to you promptly
Choose Us

The Value We Bring

At Pinnacle Group GC, we do more than just build – as experienced general contractors, we create lasting value. We ensure every building is strong and durable, giving you both confidence and saving you money in the long run.

We care about making spaces that really match what you or your business needs. When you choose us as your general contractors, you choose a service that focuses on making things that last, look great, and work well. This means your investment grows in value over time.

Project timelines can vary based on the scope and complexity of the work. Factors like permits, weather, material availability, and the size of the project can impact the schedule. Our team provides estimated timelines during the initial consultation and strives to meet agreed-upon deadlines.

Absolutely. Our general contractors are fully licensed and insured, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. We prioritize safety, professionalism, and adherence to legal requirements throughout every project.

Getting a quote is simple. You can fill out the contact form on our website or directly call our team. We'll schedule a consultation to discuss your project requirements, provide guidance, and offer a personalized quote based on your needs and budget.

Let's Build Together

Ready to start your project with Hillsborough County's top general contractors? Contact Pinnacle Group GC today to set up a meeting. Let’s talk about how we can make your construction dream a reality. Our team is ready to help with any questions or quotes. Start your dream project now – a great new space is just a conversation away!